Saturday, May 28, 2011

Why I love the Internet, part 2

I’ve been trying to get more organized recently (a quest that I imagine will continue for eternity without ever really being fulfilled), and simple things like an online to-do list are incredibly helpful, especially since I can apparently add things to it from my phone.  That help’s me circumvent Sean’s Third Rule of Irony, which states that I will never think of things I need to do when I’m in a position to do them or write them down so I’ll remember later.  Now I can add things to my to-do list anytime, from anywhere!  Take that, universe!

In fact, universal access and cross-integration have to be one of the coolest parts about the internet, and they're becoming more and more common.  I used to think Windows Live was lame.  Come to find out that they’ve now integrated Facebook status updates and chat into Messenger, included blog-editing software, and added a service that let’s you sync folders to the internet (so your documents are simultaneously backed-up and accessible from anywhere).  No more emailing things to myself!

While being able to organize my life a little better is certainly a nice side-benefit, it has occurred to me that the primary benefit from all of this is that I get to feel cool and tech-savvy until the newness wears off.  And fortunately, there’s enough new internet stuff coming out all the time that we can all feel cool and tech-savvy all the time.

Go technology!

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